Markov's Frog

Schroedinger's cat's next state was indeterminate. Pavlov's dog's next state was increasingly predictable. Markov's frog's next state depends only on his current state: and so, as a French philosopher of the XXth century pointed out, the question is "dans quel état j'erre?".

Location: Alsace, France

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Workshop On Growth and Employment in Europe

I don't plan to hop over to Oxford for the day, particularly since the presentations announced appear more "reporting" than "recommending", and at thirty minutes per presentation--including questions and discussion--"workshop" seems to misrepresent the nature of the event.

DATE: 27 January 2006
VENUE: Oxford Brookes University Business School, Wheatley Campus, Wheatley, Oxford OX33 1HX

Title: Paradise Lost? The Fate of the Scandinavian Economies in
the 21st Century

DENMARK: Jesper Jesperson (
Title: The Danish Case: Flexicurity and Demand Management

GERMANY: Eckhard Hein ( and Achim Truger (
Title: Germany's Stagnation in the European Context

FRANCE: Pascal Petit ( /
Title: Thirty Years of Massive Unemployment: Its Impact on the
Wage Labour Nexus

ITALY: Elisabetta De Antoni
Title: Italy and the EMU: A Controversial Issue

UK: Philip Arestis ( and Malcolm Sawyer (
Title: Economic Policy in the UK Under New Labour: The End of Boom and Bust?

GREECE/IRELAND: Eleni Paliginis (
Title: The Impact of EMU on Greece and Ireland

SPAIN: Jesus Ferreiro (, Carmen Gomez ( and Felipe Serrano (
Title: Can Miracles Come to an End? Limitations of the Current Model of Growth in Spain

PORTUGAL: Isabel Salavisa (
Title: The End of Catching up in Portugal: Causes and Consequences

Tags : employment | Europe | economics |


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