Markov's Frog

Schroedinger's cat's next state was indeterminate. Pavlov's dog's next state was increasingly predictable. Markov's frog's next state depends only on his current state: and so, as a French philosopher of the XXth century pointed out, the question is "dans quel état j'erre?".

Location: Alsace, France

Saturday, January 21, 2006

ESGI55's Six Not-so-easy Problems

The 55th European Study Group Mathematics with Industry (ESGI55), also known as Studiegroep Wiskunde met de Industrie 2006 (SWI2006) will be held at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven in Eindhoven from January 30 to February 3, 2006.

We have selected 6 problems, click on the title to see a full description in pdf format if it is already available:
Measure under Pressure (Nederlands Meetinstituut):
Calibration of pressure measurement (doi:10.1088/0026-1394/42/6/S11)
Bullet-proof Math (Teijin Twaron):
Modelling the proportion of bullets that pass through a vest
Gossiping to Optimality (Chess):
Analysis and optimization of message delivery in wireless sensor networks
Radiological Needlework (Nucletron):
Reconstruction of needle-positions in radiation treatment
Divide and Conquer (ASML):
Optimizing the release policy of software versions
Catching Gas with Droplets (DSM):
Modelling a diffusion-reaction process

Tags: modelling | industry | workshops | complexity


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